Reverse Logistics: A new move towards sustainability

Reverse Logistics is yet another way of reusing the discarded products and putting to the best possible use hence, increasing sustainability. Reverse Logistics is all about changing the final destination of the discarded products and taking them to places where they will be recycled for reuse and use in a different way and we are sure that by the end of this blog you are going to agree with our title – Reverse Logistics: Sustainability Next Frontier, where it is also true that Reverse Logistics deals with all kinds of waste.

Why is Reverse Logistics Important?

One can ask then when there are so many other ways that are used for recycling the products then why do we need Reverse Logistics. To understand this, let us take a problem, the food delivery industry in China has increased exponentially in recent years. The result of this is that there is an unprecedented increase in the waste for which the not so advanced Reverse logistics of the country were not ready, hence, there was a heavy increase in the packaging-related waste like foils, chopsticks, carry bags and more of the similar kind. The waste was almost 9 times more than what was two years before.


Reverse Logistics
Source : gopigeon

The problem of waste accumulation is such a threat that the European Union made a new law that urged people as well as the business people to make and use products that are more sustainable in nature. For the fulfilment of this target, there has to be something like Reverse Logistics: Sustainability Next Frontier is really one of the significant solutions that are available to us. Reverse Logistics is very much aware of the hazards that are a part of the waste collection, hence, they have in mind of creating a separate wing for collection and treatment of hazardous waste in a much more responsible way.


How will Reverse Logistics work?

The best way to get Reverse Logistics to get working is to make it a part of every business model for which it is first important that the manufacturers, as well as the retailers, should understand their responsibilities towards not only selling their products but also focus on making the products more sustainable and recycle friendly. This can be viewed as the basic requirement of Reverse Logistics because all the onus cannot be put only on the customers, as they can always be trained and made aware about the importance of recycling and the adverse effects of the pollution on the environment if the products are nor discarded properly. But it is the manufacturers that must make sure that their products are capable of being recycled. As in recent years, it has been seen that there is increased manufacture of those products which have little or no scope of getting recycled.

Reverse Logistics work

This practice should not be continued at any cost because in support of Reverse Logistics: Sustainability Next Frontier this will not just lead to the ultimate failure of the idea but will also harm the environment that will be beyond repair. Next, the retailers should also be trained and made aware of their responsibilities when it comes to taking the back of the product from the customers and sending them for recycling. They also form an important link between the manufacturer and the customers, we say this because according to a report, in the United States of America only 30% of the retailers implemented the product take-back policy which is not at all encouraging.


Studying the Success or Failure of the Reverse Logistics

Like any other endeavor, the efforts related to Reverse Logistics need to be studied from time to time to monitor whether the purpose with which it is being done, is that purpose being fulfilled or not. To understand this, there are three basic requirements which are imperative to its implementation, these are:

  • The bags which must be made available at every possible place where the things which are to be recycled must be put.
  • An efficient collection and dropping them off at the right palace is the next important thing in the line.
  • The third important thing is the prediction of the impact and its effect on society, how people will respond, to make them aware, so that they know the importance of doing such a thing.

It is important that we understand that saving our environment is a collective responsibility as we all are stakeholders of it. So to support the whole idea that believes in Reverse Logistics: Sustainability Next Frontier, let us share more responsibilities and help make Earth a better place to live.

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